Corporate social responsibility

Improving the lives of the people in the communities we serve.

Prestige is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility. We aim to bring real benefits to our communities and create a long-lasting impact and legacy. We always instigate a return on community investment, laying the foundations and acting as a catalyst for a community to enact its own social, economic and environmental improvement, aiding the creation of healthy, vibrant communities. Our commitments are detailed below:

Case studies

Hutton Reds under 10's

Prestige is currently supporting an under 10's football team in Brentwood. Pictured below in their first tournament wearing the kit sponsored by Prestige, they went on to win the cup - a big well done to the Hutton Reds!

24th Tottenham Scouts

Prestige are supporting the 24th Tottenham scout group who are a small troop who take boys and girls with any disability, they are completely run by volunteers; they try to do as many different activities as they can, and apart from games, they also have a garden that Prestige are supporting them with a projects, here’s what the leader had to say about us.

"Dear George and John,

I just wanted to tell you how excited we all are about the outdoor garden space your company are making for our scouts. It will be such a massive bonus to our group to be able to use a specially adapted garden area all year round. Getting our scouts outdoors and active is really important, and has so many benefits.

We will also be making the space available to other youth groups; local groups, as well as the many visitors from around the UK as well as overseas, that come and stay at Scout Park.Once again many thanks for supporting our group, and we look forward to welcoming you to our new garden.

Paul and Everyone at the 24th Tottenham."

